How to find out the scam on a Ukrainian dating site

simple rules to avoid scam on ukrainian dating sites
He’s happy because before sending her money he checked her passport at

Ukrainian dating websites are increasingly gaining popularity. Finding yourself online is no longer a shame, it’s become a normal situation. But, unfortunately, there you can find not only love, but also get into the clutches of scammers. How to recognize the fraud on the Ukrainian dating website and what rules should be followed in order to not fall for the bait of swindlers?

The ultimate goal of any fraudster is money. But the ways to get it are different. Some prefer quick small earnings, others focus on large amounts and are ready to work for them for a long time.

If it’s quick money

The purpose of a hunter for quick money (Ukrainian dating scam) is to get into trust as soon as possible and then ask or fraudulently get the right amount. Typically, these scammers live on the customer flow, so smell a rat will not be difficult. All messages in this case are stereotyped, they do not change and are not personalized to the victim.


If this is a long-term financial perspective

Marriage scam artists from Ukraine often prey on big money. Some never see their “victims” and remotely have several “clients”. Others actively meet in reality, get acquainted with relatives and even register marriage, but they are rare. We will concentrate on the first type of scammers.

Things to alert you

To earn a considerable amount, the swindler has to simultaneously communicate online with various victims. She has neither the time nor the desire to write individual letter to everyone. Therefore, it is not difficult to calculate such a scoundrel, you just need to be careful.

First of all, you should be alerted if:

  • lady immediately insists leave a dating site and continue the conversation via email or social networking sites;
  • she confesses her love to you in the first days;
  • she seeks to create the image of a wealthy woman who lacks only one – a beloved man;
  • is represented by a person of a “romantic” or secret profession: a member of the Red Cross, military officer etc.;
  • her letters are a monologue of herself and endless confessions of love, while your questions are left unaddressed;

fraud ukraine dating websites5 Simple Rules to save your money on dating sites

Not to fall for the bait scams online, follow five simple rules.

  1. Check the information. Only 15% of the users of dating services regularly check information about the new pen pal in other social networks. If she is not registered anywhere else, except for a dating site, then you should take a closer look at such a candidate – perhaps she is not who he claims to be. Use the search by photo: often scammers use pictures of other people.If the user has caused suspicion, check if she is in the list of marriage scams. It can be found in the forums and specialized sites.
  2. Ask questions. Pay attention to how you are answered. Typically, scammers use template letters with sensual love declarations, ignoring the interlocutor questions.
  3. Do not share personal information. Often to turn a scam, the swindler needs to know your full name and phone number or address of residence. Before your personal acquaintance, do not share your personal information. Do not send out candid photos, even if you already communicate for a long time. Blackmail with the use of such images is one of the most popular types of fraud.
  4. Create a separate email and profile in the social network. For correspondence it is better to use a separate mail box, phone and account in social network. Thus, you will protect yourself from unwanted contacts and their consequences. Remember, you can find a real account by phone and email, so if you decide to hide, you need to approach this case wisely. However, personal data on almost all dating sites is reliably protected and is not visible to other users.
  5. Do not send money. The ultimate goal of any fraudster is to get money from you. And there are many ways to do this. If you are asked to send money for travel, Ukrainian passport, medical treatment, visas, courier services, delivery, etc., do not agree. Most likely, you are dealing with a dating scam.

To counter scams on dating sites contact

We are experienced in this field and offer such services as validation of Ukrainian passport, Russian passport check, identify person by picture and many more.