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First name, Last name: Liudmyla Kosenko

Country, City: Ukraine, Krasnodon


Samples of her messages: Thank you for trying to understand me and in the same time not scared off because of my problem. You said you'll need my bank details but actually I don't have it. I can't even create the one from here. I was looking for options here. I heard about companies that send money but I also know there are many of companies were closed here. I found that few of them still work and I even visited their offices to ask about how it's possible to send. There are companies called RIA, Money Gram and also Welsend. I found Western Union is not available here. I might inform you my complete name and full address too and you might need it when you try to send money to me. They said you can even send it on-line, just visit their sites. As for my full name, I'm Svitlana Klimenko, my address is Zaliznichna str., 11/21, Krasnodon, Ukraine, zip code is 94407. Hope you'll try it.

Scheme fraud: Stolen identity. The pictures belong to @jodeciradu. Fake email used Fake Ukrainian passport, fake address


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